
Orders are shipped within 3 working days from the date of issuance of order.
For delivery in Switzerland we use Swiss Post
For delivery in Italy we use Italian post
For delivery we the rest of the world we use Netherland post

Delivery times are those indicated by the postal used but we can not rule out delays not due to our responsibility.
The delivery methods used are trackable on the Postal Authority's website and are :
Mailings in Italy (trackable to the following page: )

  • Registered letter extimated delivery times 5 working days from shipping date 
  • Postal parcel extimated delivery times 2-4 days from shipping date 

Mailings in Switzerland (trackable to the following page: )

  • Registered letter extimated delivery times 5 working days from shipping date 
  • Postal parcel extimated delivery times 2-4 days from shipping date 

Rest of the world ( trackable to the following page : )

  • Registered letter extimated delivery times depending from country of destination check more info at the dedicated page of the site

The shipping costs can be found in the dedicated website section

Our packagings are made in order to adequately protect the goods during transport, the buyer must still check before, to pick up the shipment, that packaging is intact and undamaged; if the packaging is seriously damaged in order to affect the content inside the buyer does not collect the goods, contesting the withdrawal to the carrier immediately and report the problem by mail or by fax at at 0041 091 967 75 75

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